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star group中文是什么意思

用"star group"造句"star group"怎么读"star group" in a sentence


  • 星群
  • "star"中文翻译    n. 1.星;【天文学】恒星 (opp. planet) ...
  • "group"中文翻译    n. 1.群;批,簇。 2.集团,团体,小组。 3.【化 ...
  • "group star" 中文翻译 :    群星
  • "eagle star insurance group" 中文翻译 :    鹰星保险集团
  • "performance group headed by star" 中文翻译 :    明星团长
  • "star chamber action group" 中文翻译 :    高层资源会议策动小组
  • "star peak group" 中文翻译 :    星峰岩群
  • "north star industrial group corporation" 中文翻译 :    北辰实业集团公司
  • "star" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.星;【天文学】恒星 (opp. planet)。 2.星状物,星(形勋)章。 3.【印刷】星形号〔*〕。 4.【占星术】〔常pl.〕命星;〔pl.〕命运,运气。 5.名演员,明星;〔口语〕著名人物。 6.【林业】?。 7.【动物;动物学】海星。 8.(马额等的)白斑。 a falling [shooting] star流星。 a fixed star恒星。 this star 〔诗〕地球。 His star was in the ascendant. 他(那时)正在走运。 My stars! =〔戏谑语〕 My stars and garters! 哎呀!天哪!〔表示吃惊〕。 The stars were against it. 那注定要失败的。 the S- Chamber 【英史】星室法庭〔以暴虐专横著称〕。 be born under a lucky [an unlucky] star 生在幸福[不幸]中。 curse one's stars 怨恨自己不走运。 march by the stars 【军事】看星行进。 see stars 〔口语〕眼里冒金星。 all star cast 【戏剧】全部角色由名演员扮演。 thank one's stars 觉得运气好,觉得幸福。 trust to one's star相信自己的运气。 vt. (starred starring) 1.用星(形物)装饰;加星号。 2.使…成为明星,使演主角。 vi. 1.星一般地辉耀。 2.作出杰出成就。 3.(演员)主演 (in); 成为明星[名演员]。 4.(打台球或玩 domino 输掉而失权的人)出钱购买继续游戏的权利。 They starred her for the first time. 他们第一次以她为主角。 She has starred in many pictures. 她已主演多部影片。
  • "star the" 中文翻译 :    明星报; 星报
  • "the star" 中文翻译 :    巨星本色; 星星之章; 昨日星尘
  • "a group of" 中文翻译 :    一群
  • "group" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.群;批,簇。 2.集团,团体,小组。 3.【化学】基,团,组;(周期表的)属,族。 4.(雕塑等的)群像。 5.【地质学;地理学】界。 6.(英、美的)空军大队。 7.〔G-〕 【宗教】牛津团契。 a group of people 一群人。 the grain group谷类。 blood group血型。 a ginger group 要求政府采取坚决行动的议员,起推动作用的政党骨干小组。 a pressure group 〔美国〕(对国会等施加影响的)压力集团。 group by group 分批地。 in a group = in groups 成群地。 vt. 1.集合,使成一团 (with)。 2.组合,配合 (together)。 3.把…分类。 vi. 成群;聚集,类集。
  • "group a" 中文翻译 :    a组赛车
  • "group of t" 中文翻译 :    非洲加勒比和太平洋地区国家集团
  • "group-t" 中文翻译 :    汶理工
  • "in a group" 中文翻译 :    成群接队地
  • "in group" 中文翻译 :    内群体
  • "in group to" 中文翻译 :    以便,为了
  • "in-group" 中文翻译 :    n. 内部集团,自己人集团。
  • "t group" 中文翻译 :    训练小组; 训练组
  • "t-group" 中文翻译 :    n. 训练小组〔现代美国的一种所谓精神治疗法,受治疗者在专门训练员的指导下,在小组内不受约束地用言语表达内心感情〕。
  • "the group" 中文翻译 :    全职大盗
  • "they group" 中文翻译 :    他人团体
  • "to group" 中文翻译 :    到组, 到程序组


  • Formerly the star group of shandong province , the first chemical plant , which was established in 1990
  • China star group pursues the principle of " people first " since most things are " people does " and " for people "
    华星执著地奉行“以人为本” ,因为世间事情,多因“人为”和“为人” 。
  • In order to develop oversiness , we cooperate with eight star group of america inc . we authorize eight star group of america inc . to be our company , s general agent for overseas sales to let tmc nylon products to serve for the whole world
  • Companioning the case of the national blue - star group companion being listed companion by shell of the chemical equipment of south - west listed companion which i did myself as a main charge , first this article will discuss the main factors of selecting shell companion and the patterns of exchanging stock and t heir price . the second this article will discuss the patterns of reconstructing the enterprise ' s assets and some important problems such as the growth and high profits in the recent times . the third , this article will discuss the ways of reconstructing of debts and their flavor . the forth , this article will discuss the effect of the government in the assets reconstructing of listed companions
  • This exhibition collects almost a hundred works created before 1985 by the members of stars group , on one hand , they show the art movement of that special period of time and review this movement standing on the contemporary angle of view . , search for some deeper meaning of the history and the society ; on the other hand , by discussing over “ stars group ” again , these works question the development of contemporary art with a historical gesture , reflect the origin and the metropolitan territory of chinese art of nowadays
  • This article will point the problems in the reconstructing of shell resource now , then will offer some advice and idea which will resolve this problem above . i think this article will help some people whose enterprise will or doing now become listed companion by buying shell . the act which the national blue - star group companion do in the case is good . the purpose of buying shell is to execute the target of the enterprise ' s strategy
  • Now he is the associate chairman of chamber of tourism all - china federation of industry commerce , the board member of china enterprise directors association , the chairman of hubei tourism commerce association , the board member of wuhan university , the associate chairman of wuhan university alumni association , president and board chairman of china east star group co . , ltd
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